

At their Inauguration, one had Beyoncé whereas the other had Toby Keith. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the Contrary, the ‘Tweeter’ claimed he pulled the highest inauguration crowd in History. While the ‘Leader’ spent his first day in office adjusting the activities in the white house, letting the staff know they are actually here to serve and that it is not business as usual, and speaking to foreign leaders, the ‘Tweeter’ spent his first day in office summoning reporters to talk about crowd size. Final estimates had Trump’s crowd at somewhere around 600,000, whereas Obama, in his first term totaled as many as 1.8 million.

In 2014, the ‘Tweeter’ tweeted “Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter”. As at September 8, 2018, the ‘Tweeter’ has reportedly been on the Golf course 155 times since he became President. His pace as of Aug. 6, 2018, indicates he would spend as much as 745 days of his presidency at a golf course if he wins a second term and serves to completion. During his eight years as President, the ‘Leader’ played golf 306 times.

Despite the Tweeter’s very deep love and fondness for Twitter, the ‘Leader’ had two of the top ten most liked tweets in 2017. Obviously, people prefer messages of hope and togetherness. In the past few years of his administration, Trump has publicly shown his deep bias and hatred for people who don’t look like him. From his attack on black athletes to his bizarre immigration laws, down to his comments about African nations.

The ‘Leader’ was so much admired by the people, right from the first day he was voted into office. Whereas, the ‘Tweeter’ came in with so much scandal. In fact, the latest Trump scandal would have taken any President out of office. Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen released a tape in which he and Trump are heard discussing how to fund the silencing of a former Playboy model. “We’ll have to pay,” Cohen says. Trump’s reply: “Pay with cash.”

While the ‘Leader’ loves, respects and adores women, the ‘Tweeter’ obviously is addicted to dehumanizing women any chance and opportunity he gets. Right from calling them crazy dogs to grabbing them by the p****.  I really hope he doesn’t get over this addiction of his. Nothing about addiction ever ends well. Because eventually, whatever it is that is getting you high, stops feeling good and destroys you.

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