
Have you checked your voter registration status?

It is 99 days to the elections. If you are reading this, I hope you registered to vote.

Below is how to check your registration status:

1. Use your phone

Send a text message to 08171 646 879 in the following format: state, surname, last five digits of your voter identification number (find this on the top of your temporary or permanent voter card). For Example Lagos, Ede, 023**
You should receive a response within 15 minutes. Typical to screenshot below:

If you get an error message, check to see that you entered your information correctly.

2. Check on INEC website


you will be required to enter your state of residence, surname and the last 7 digits of your voter registration number.

3. Visit your polling unit during the ‘display of voter register’ exercise

Visit your local registration center to confirm that your details exist and that they
are correct.

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